mau buat judul blog loe lebih keren kaya' judul blog gue tu...
cara nya gampang ko'
langsung aja :
-login dulu
-pilih tata letak letak
-pilih edit html
-beri tanda centang pada Expand Template Widget
-copy script di bawah :
-letak kodenya diatas <head>
-lihat hasilnya .....
cara nya gampang ko'
langsung aja :
-login dulu
-pilih tata letak letak
-pilih edit html
-beri tanda centang pada Expand Template Widget
-copy script di bawah :
<script type="text/javascript"> //<![CDATA[ var message = new Array() // leave this as is message[0] = "Welcome to my Blogger !"; message[1] = "yOu Was EnTeREd To HeLL aReA"; message[2] = "bUt, YoU wIll nOt DeAtH hErE"; message[3] = "jUst keEp EnJoY !!"; message[4] = "Don't fOrgEt..."; message[5] = "LeaVe mE a cOoL cOmment !!"; var reps = 2 var speed = 100 var p=message.length; var T=""; var C=0; var mC=0; var s=0; var sT=null; if(reps<1)reps=1; function doTheThing(){ T=message[mC]; A();} function A(){ s++ if(s>9){s=1} if(s==1){document.title='[D====] '+T+' [====D]'} if(s==2){document.title='[=E===] '+T+' [===E=]'} if(s==3){document.title='[==D==] '+T+' [==D==]'} if(s==4){document.title='[===Y=] '+T+' [=Y===]'} if(s==5){document.title='[====>] '+T+' [<====]'} if(s==6){document.title='[===Y=] '+T+' [=Y===]'} if(s==7){document.title='[==D==] '+T+' [==D==]'} if(s==8){document.title='[=E===] '+T+' [===E=]'} if(s==9){document.title='[D====] '+T+' [====D]'} if(C<(8*reps)){ sT=setTimeout("A()",speed); C++ }else{ C=0; s=0; mC++ if(mC>p-1)mC=0; sT=null; doTheThing();}} doTheThing(); //]]> </script>
-letak kodenya diatas <head>
-lihat hasilnya .....
wkwkwk,, copas...